Bridging Divides
Inspiring Audiences
Cultural Educator/Global Speaker
A sought after speaker across the globe Aziz inspires and educates with his wealth of knowledge, sensitivity and sense of humor. Working as a National Geographic Explorer, Ted Fellow and co-founder of MEJDI Tours and InterAct International, Aziz brings his passion for conflict resolution, the transformative power of travel and entrepreneurial insights to all corners of the globe.
IKAR, LA, 6:30pm - 9pm, March 3 Info Here
Outlook Forum California, LA, March 3
The University of Richmond, Feb. 10-11
The Future of Israel & Palestine, Chicago, Jan. 14 Info Here
Building Bridges: An Israeli and a Palestinian, Pittsburgh, Jan. 12 Info Here
An Evening with Combatants for Peace, Nov. 14, Baltimore, 6pm Signup Here
Society of American Travel Writers (SATW), Nov. 13, Istanbul: Info Here
A Talk About Atonement, Oct. 11, Tribeca, NY and Online Info Here
Peace is Possible, University of Texas, Austin, Oct. 13, Info Here
Boundless Together, University of Rochester, NY, Oct. 15, Info Here
Peace is Possible, Binghamton University, Oct. 15, Info Here
Looking Beyond, University of Denver, Oct. 16, Online Signup
Center for Responsible Travel (CREST), Sept. 25, 9am, Atlanta
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, July 14, 10am ET
Netroots Nation, Baltimore, MD, July 13, 4:40 pm ET Watch Live Keynote w/Aziz and Maoz Inon
Aspen Ideas Festival, June 23, Watch Now
Peace Conference w/Pope Francis, May 18
TED Conference, April 16, Opening Talk Aziz and Maoz Inon
Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA
Educational Travel Consortium Conference (ETC), Winnipeg, CA
International Religious Freedom Summit (IRF), New York, NY
Braver Angels/MEJDI/Hands of Peace U.S. Tour, Glenview, IL
Small Giants Academy, Sydney & Melbourne, Australia
Aviation Bridge: Central Europe, New York, NY
Tourism and War International Summit
AIR 2023 Conference, Bled, Slovenia
The Seminar, Nashville, TN
International Education Week, University of Wyoming
Podkarpackie Travel Regional Tourism Board, Poland
A Conversation with Rick Steves & Aziz, Impact Travel Alliance
Role of Tourism During Conflict & War, Webinar
International Conference on Language Learning, Mexico
New Trends in Tourism Conference, Gdansk, Poland
The Just Peace Panel: Peace for Profit
CET Tiqets Remarkable Venue Awards
Hidden Compass “Reimagining Travel”
Mountainfilm Film Festival, Telluride, Colorado