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Harnessing travel

to create a more peaceful planet


Travel Innovator & Entrepreneur

With his vision of harnessing travel as a means of peace, Aziz develops and works in and through a variety of initiatives and programs and has helped change the very definition of tourism. He has developed local community projects in dozens of locations including Colombia, Chile, Jordan, Israel, and Palestine.

As co-founder of MEJDI Tours—a leader in socially conscious travel, Aziz originated the Dual Narrative™ Tour introducing millions to the transformational potential of travel. His Ted Talk about travel and tolerance has over 1.6 million views.

Working with the UN, National Geographic and community organizations around the globe, Aziz creates educational programs for adults and children supporting local communities and increasing tolerance.

Aziz has worked on education projects for Syrian refugees in the Middle East, and he co-founded Interact (501c3) with a mission to help people connect across divides—cultural, ethnic, religious, geographic, political, gender or socio-economic.